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New Jersey

Recovering from a New Jersey Hit and Run Accident

Recovering from a New Jersey Hit and Run Accident

Motorcycle accidents are a headache to deal with. New Jersey hit and run motorcycle accidents, however, can cause a headache and then some. Because the other driver has run off after an accident, you may now be stuck paying for any damage incurred from your motorcycle and any medical expenses that you may rack up if you have been injured. Since hit and run accidents can often have devasting consequences, it is crucial that those who are responsible are held accountable, whenever possible.

Are Hit and Run Accidents Enforced?

In New Jersey, hit and run accident laws are strictly enforced.  Depending on the severity of physical damage or injuries incurred during the collision, it can result in either a felony or misdemeanor conviction and is considered a crime.  

Hit and run accidents take place when a party involved in an accident leaves the scene before performing certain actions.  Regardless of who is at fault, leaving the scene of an accident that results in a fatality or severe injuries could be punishable by up to years in prison and is a serious felony.  If an accident was less serious and no injuries occurred, running from the scene could lead to a loss of license for up to one year.

What Happens After a Hit and Run Accident

Following a motorcycle accident, New Jersey has accident laws that require drivers to perform required actions before leaving the scene, regardless of fault.  As a party to an accident, drivers are required to exchange insurance information and driver license information, if requested, offer help to anyone who is injured, and wait for law enforcement to arrive if they have been contacted to come to the scene of the accident.  If an accident occurs between a party and an unoccupied vehicle, New Jersey law requires the driver to leave their contact information on the car for the driver.  Should an accident occur involving damage to physical structures or highway infrastructure, the law requires that you take “reasonable steps” to locate the owners of the property and get them your contact information.

Do You Need a New Jersey Motorcycle Injury Attorney?

If you or some you love was recently involved in a hit-and-run accident, contact Andrew Prince today.  Andrew Prince is dedicated, experienced and compassionate.  He has years of experience representing a diverse array of clients across a multitude of personal injury issues.  Andrew Prince will advocate tirelessly on your behalf to help you pursue the compensation you deserve.  Even if the hit and run driver cannot be located, you can still recover damages under your own motorcycle insurance policy.  To schedule a free initial consultation today, contact Andrew Prince anytime at (800) 832-6529 or (732) 388-5454.  You can also email Andrew Prince at  

The articles on this blog are for informative purposes only and are no substitute for legal advice or an attorney-client relationship. If you are seeking legal advice, please contact our law firm directly.