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Annual Clark Motorcycle Ride Remembers Fallen Heroes, Friends

They come in all shapes and sizes. Motorcyclists are men and women, all races and religions. They embrace biking for sport, for recreation for transportation. And, when they come together, they are one big family.

Recently, more than 500 bikers and fans gathered at the Deutscher Club in Clark for the Seventh Annual Waterson/Dunham Valor Ride. The event is held annually in memory of two Marine Corps veterans who lost their lives in the line of duty.

“People say never forget. That’s why we do it,” organizer Danny Joy said. “So people never forget.”

The late William J. Waterson is a former Clark police officer. He served in Vietnam. At age 22 in 2004, Corporal Jason Dunham died while serving in Iraq.

The event began with Joy recounting the stories of both heroes before the ride began.

“The motorcycle community spreads the word,” said Gnome, president of the Leathernecks Nation. “We support good causes. It’s what we do.”

Proceeds from the event are used to support scholarships given in Waterson’s and Dunham’s names.

Participants at the event included veterans from the Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan and Gulf wars. Police officers from Union, Rahway, Clark, and Elizabeth were on hand as were elected officials from Clark and representatives from local riding clubs.

“Camaraderie. It’s the camaraderie. That’s what motorcycle clubs are all about,” said “Popeye,” a rider with the Leathernecks Nation.

Team Law’s Andrew Prince is a motorcycle injury lawyer who is passionate about protecting the rights of bikers throughout New Jersey. If you or anyone you know has a question about motorcycle insurance or has been injured in an accident, contact Mr. Prince right away for a free consultation.