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New Jersey
1-(800)-TEAM-LAW (832-6529)
One of the most common questions I hear regarding motorcycle insurance is, “What is the average cost of a motorcycle insurance policy?” Another common question: “What do I really need in my policy and what can I do to drop my overall insurance cost?”
Here are some answers to motorcyclists’ most common questions:
What is the average cost of a motorcycle insurance policy?
Rates for motorcycle policies vary from person to person, state to state and bike to bike. A premium for an experienced motorcyclist riding a commuter-type motorcycle may be vastly different from a young rider on a sport model.
Some states require certain types of coverage, while others do not. The two types of coverage you should always make sure you have, however, are Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist Coverage (the maximum amount) and Bodily Injury Liability (the maximum amount). A lot of people have lower levels of this type of coverage on their motorcycle because they ride it less frequently than they drive a vehicle or they think they are more careful when they ride their motorcycle. You need the maximum amount of coverage because an accident can occur at any time. In New Jersey, most motorcycle insurance companies offer up to $250,000 liability and $250,000 uninsured/underinsured coverage. Recently, Progressive will offer $500,000 if you call and ask for it. Progressive will not sell $500,000 coverage online.
How do insurance companies determine my motorcycle insurance rate?
Each insurance company is different, but here are a few factors that go into determining your motorcycle insurance rate:
Are discounts available for bikers?
If you are looking for ways to reduce your premium, I urge you not to do this. All you are doing when reducing your premium is reducing your coverage and protection. You may be eligible for discounts, however, if you are a member of any of following:
Insurance companies will likely give you a discount if you are a graduate of a training course. I would highly recommend Rider Education. Please check out their website at You will not regret it.
Motorcycle insurance policies seem confusing to many motorcyclists. The biggest thing you can do to help protect your rights is to be aware. Maximize your coverage, especially your uninsured /underinsurance coverage. For more information on motorcycle insurance, please call me at (800) TEAM-LAW or (800) 832-6529 or visit my website at
Andrew S. Prince, Esq.
136 Central Avenue
Clark, NJ 07066
(732) 388-5454
1 (800) 832-6529
(732) 388-8711 — Fax
Additional Offices in New Jersey
Edison, East Brunswick, Jersey City,
Newark, Orange, Perth Amboy, Westfield
and West New York
Appointment Only
313 State Street, Perth Amboy, NJ.
46 Bayard Street #211, New Brunswick, NJ.
201 East 5th Street, Plainfield, NJ.
822 Raritan Avenue, 1st Floor, Highland Park, NJ.
400 39th Street, Suite 407, Union City, NJ.
860 U. S. Highway 1 North, Suite 201, Edison, NJ.
50 Park Place, 8th Flr., Suite 840, Newark, NJ.