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New Jersey

Know Your Motorcycle Insurance Coverage

1-(800)-TEAM-LAW (832-6529)andrew-prince

Motorcycle insurance requirements vary from company to company and the best person to give you motorcycle insurance advice is not your insurance agent but your motorcycle attorney. Here are some reasons why I can help you best.

The standard motorcycle coverages that most people know about are liability, property damage, collision and possible medical coverage. What most riders know little about is UNINSURED and UNDERINSURED COVERAGE.

One of the most important coverages you should buy is UNINSURED and UNDERINSURED COVERAGE. If the other person has no insurance and they are at fault, do not be left stranded with no protection. This UNINSURED and UNDERINSURANCE COVERAGE is the most important aspect of motorcycle insurance.

Contrary to popular belief, almost all accidents involving a motorcycle are NOT the results of carelessness by the motorcyclist. Most of the individuals involved in these accidents sustain severe injuries and the cases could take many years to reach a judgment. Talk to me, an experienced motorcycle lawyer for over twenty-five years, to make sure you are being properly represented on your motorcycle accident.

Get the Most Motorcycle Insurance Coverage Available is my Advice. Do Not Cheap Out!

Make sure you are truly protected. You really need to make sure you are covered with the most insurance possible.
It is also important to discuss and understand the areas in which your insurance company excludes coverage. It is your responsibility to make sure you are properly covered.

Remember do not just say I want full coverage. Make sure you go over all available coverage. Call me at no cost to discuss your current motorcycle policy. I will make sure you are properly protected.

Call me, a motorcycle injury attorney, Andrew S. Prince, Esq. It is a free consultation and it helps to know a qualified biker attorney has your back. You could also email me. All of my contact information is listed below if you need me. There is never a charge for a legal consultation.

Andrew S. Prince, Esq.
136 Central Avenue
Clark, NJ 07066
(732) 388-5454
1 (800) 832-6529
(732) 388-8711 — Fax

Additional Offices in New Jersey
Edison, East Brunswick, Jersey City,
Newark, Orange, Perth Amboy, Westfield
and West New York