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New Jersey

Motorcycle Accident Deaths Down in New Jersey and U.S.

princeThe Governor’s Highway Safety Association came out with a recent report, showing good news for the safety of motorcyclists in New Jersey and throughout the country. According to the association’s findings, motorcycle accident deaths declined seven percent across the U.S. in 2013 and declined by 53 percent through the first six months of 2013, compared to 2012.

The association also said that 2013 marked the first year since 1997 that motorcycle accident fatalities actually decreased (from year-to-year), but cautioned any rushed optimism. Based on the preliminary data accrued, an estimated 4,610 bikers died in accidents in 2013, compared to 4,957 in 2012 and 4,612 in 2011. That’s still over 4,600 people who died.

Many authorities are pointing to the weather as a big reason for the drop off in motorcycle accident deaths. The GSHA reported that the first six months of 2012 were “unusually dry and warm,” leading riders to hit the roads earlier, more often and in larger numbers. It stands to reason: more riders, more accidents.

Hazardous road conditions along with driver inattention are among the leading causes of motorcycle accidents. In New Jersey, the New Jersey Division of Highway Traffic Safety reported that 741 motorcyclists were killed in accidents from 2002 – 20011, with 2,500 crashes occurring annually.

Though many accidents aren’t the fault of motorcyclists, they are more at risk of injury or death than other motorists. This means that bikers need to make their own protection a high priority. Reducing speeds, wearing proper equipment and staying off of the roads during inclement weather are a few of the steps riders can take to better protect themselves.

For over 25 years, Andrew Prince, Esq. has been representing NJ motorcycle riders who have been injured in accidents. If you or someone you know deserves to be compensated for their injuries sustained in an accident, contact  Mr. Prince today for a free consultation about the case.