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New Jersey

Motorcycle Accidents Statistics are Sobering in New Jersey

Motorcycle Accidents Statistics are Sobering in New Jerseyprince

You probably don’t find it all that shocking that motorcycle accidents are commonplace in New Jersey. If you are a biker, you feel that you are misunderstood and almost invisible to other drivers on the road. Take a look at some of these shocking statistics; the numbers might be even worse that you thought.

  • According to the, almost 2,500 motorcycles are involved in a crash on New Jersey’s roadways every year. Of those, 2,000 riders are injured in crashes throughout the state every year.
  • More than half occur at crowded intersections because one or both drivers did not stop.
  • Upward of 90 percent of all riders who are involved in motorcycle crashes have no formal training on how to properly ride a motorcycle. This means you can likely cut your chances of a crash by taking a course!
  • Sixty-six percent of all motorcycle accidents occur when a car driver doesn’t see or notice a motorcyclist. This is important to remember, because it’s possible the accident was not your fault.
  • In spite of all the safety gear that bikers wear, riders have a 75 percent chance of sustaining an injury if you are in a motorcycle accident.
  • There are around 80 motorcycle accident-related fatalities every year in the Garden State.
  • Out of all the motorcycle accidents that did not involve another driver, 40 percent were caused by overly quick turns.
  • The most likely people to have a fatality in a motorcycle accident are people over the age of 40.

Many of these statistics teach a lesson in motorcycle safety. As a rider, you have no control about the reckless behavior of car drivers. But, you can be more vigilant about roadway activity.

If you or a family member has recently been in a motorcycle accident, you need a lawyer who understands NJ motorcycle laws and has the resources and skills to get the compensation you deserve. Don’t wait until it’s too late — call experienced motorcycle injury lawyer Andrew Prince for skilled representation in your personal injury case.