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New Jersey

What You Should Know About Insurance Adjusters and Your Injury Claim

When you suffer injuries in an accident, you have the right to file a claim against the negligent party and recover damages.  As part of the personal injury claim process, you will have to deal with insurance adjusters.  Insurance adjusters may have different job titles, but all do the same job.  If you have sufferedContinue Reading

Top 5 Most Common Types of Motorcycle Accident Injuries

There are a few risks involved with riding a motorcycle. Motorcycle accidents frequently lead to injuries, and knowing the most common injuries can help you stay safe. These are some of the most common types of motorcycle accident injuries: Burn Injuries Motorcyclists are frequently thrown from their bikes when an accident occurs. This can leadContinue Reading

Motorcycle Safety Tips to Follow This Summer

Summer is the best season for motorcycling in New Jersey. But, if cruising around the state by motorcycle is in your plans this summer, you’ll also want to take steps to stay safe. Here are a few tips for a safe, accident-free summer spent motorcycling: Know New Jersey’s Motorcycle Laws Before hitting the road thisContinue Reading

Motorcycle Fatalities Increase During the Summer

Summer is a popular season for motorcyclists. The sun is shining, and the weather is warm enough to enjoy the open air of a motorcycle ride. Unfortunately, the summer months also peak in terms of motorcycle fatalities. New Jersey Motorcycle Statistics In 2018, in New Jersey, 525 fatal crashes occurred, killing a total of 564Continue Reading

Do You Really Have Full Motorcycle Insurance Coverage?

By:  Andrew S. Prince, Esq.Attorney1-(800)-TEAM-LAW (832-6529)  Some drivers erroneously believe they have full motorcycle insurance coverage.  However, in the event of a motorcycle accident, your idea of full coverage might not be enough and many bikers truthfully do not understand what full coverage means.  Defining Full Coverage Motorcycle Insurance Most likely, your full coverage policyContinue Reading