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New Jersey

Importance of Motorcycle Insurance and What Coverage You Need

Motorcycle accidents can cause very serious injuries to motorcyclists.  Unfortunately, many bikers learn that they lack adequate coverage after they are seriously hurt in an accident. By being aware of the importance of motorcycle insurance and by taking steps to acquire the maximum coverage available, motorcyclists may be able to avoid some of the tragic consequencesContinue Reading

Tips for Riding a Motorcycle During the Summer

Summer means motorcycle weather. Before you pull your motorcycle out of storage, you will want to read these tips for safety. Motorcycling in New Jersey can be enjoyable but it is also important to take certain safety precautions. It is also important to know what to do if you’re involved in a motorcycle accident. ImportantContinue Reading

Tips for Your First Month of Riding a Motorcycle

Riding a motorcycle can be an enjoyable way to get around the state of New Jersey. Once you complete the training and licensure requirements to legally ride a motorcycle in the state and you have your motorcycle, it is time to get ready for your first month of riding. This first month of riding isContinue Reading

Motorcycle Fatalities Increase During the Summer Months

New Jersey notices a steep increase in motorcycle accidents during the summer months, which also means an increase in fatalities. If you plan on riding a motorcycle this summer, it’s important to prepare your bike for the season, as well as brushing up on safety. How to Prepare for a Safe Riding Summer With anContinue Reading