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New Jersey

Determining Who is Liable for your Motorcycle Accident in New Jersey

It’s common knowledge that riding on a motorcycle is inherently riskier than driving in a full-sized vehicle, but it may come as a surprise that the majority of bike-related accidents typically involve a passenger vehicle. In about 67 percent of these accidents involving other motorists, the other vehicle has directly caused the accident by violatingContinue Reading

Motorcycle Safety Tips

By: Andrew S. Prince, Esq. For a lot of you, there is no thrill in life quite equal to riding a motorcycle. All motorcycle riders have one interest in common, however: staying alive and in one piece. Consistently practicing certain basic motorcycle safety tips can dramatically reduce your risk of a serious motorcycle accident. WearContinue Reading

Is it Too Cold to Ride My Motorcycle?

Just because the calendar has told you it’s winter doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to put your motorcycle into storage and forget about it until the spring. Some motorcycle enthusiasts might wonder how cold is too cold to ride? What Are You Comfortable With? First and foremost, your preferences matter when it comes toContinue Reading

Watch Out for the Motorcyclist!

By:  Andrew S. Prince, Esq.Attorney1-(800)-TEAM-LAW (832-6529)  Call With Any Questions or Concerns! Motorcycles are more difficult to see than larger passenger vehicles.  When sharing the roadway with a motorcyclist, it is important that you drive safely and cautiously to prevent causing an accident. If you or someone you love has been injured in a motorcycleContinue Reading

How Do I Prepare My Motorcycle for Winter?

Whether you plan to put your motorcycle away for the winter season, or you intend to ride it occasionally on warmer days, it is important to prepare it for winter. You can prepare your motorcycle for winter with the following steps: Give it a Thorough Cleaning Even if you rode your motorcycle only once duringContinue Reading