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New Jersey

Motorcycle Accident Lawyer for Crashes at Intersections

Motorcycle accidents can happen at intersections when negligent drivers fail to yield to motorcycle riders or simply fail to notice motorcycles around them. Unfortunately, because motorcycle riders lack the protection of a vehicle frame or other safety features like seatbelts and airbags, riders tend to suffer severe injuries in collisions with other vehicles. Learn moreContinue Reading

Motorcycle Tips

By:  Andrew S. Prince, Esq. Attorney1-(800)-TEAM-LAW (832-6529)  Call Me for a Free Consultation! Because riding a motorcycle is significantly more dangerous than riding in a traditional vehicle, there are several rules and laws governing how to safely operate a bike. Andrew Prince, with over 25 plus years of representing bikers, recommends that all riders familiarizeContinue Reading

Does Motorcycle Training Reduce Accidents?

By:  Andrew S. PrinceAttorney1-(800)-TEAM-LAW (832-6529)  Call Me for a Free Consultation! Comparisons of the driving records of formally trained and informally trained (untrained) riders reveal that there are massive differences in the frequency and severity of accidents between the two groups.  Trained riders have fewer accidents of all kinds and less severe motorcycle accidents. TheseContinue Reading

6 Common Motorcycle Crashes and How to Avoid Them

Motorcycle crashes are an all too common occurrence on New Jersey’s roads. While many things can lead to dangerous roads and an increase in motorcycle risk, there are a few common types of crashes to know. New Jerseys’ Most Common Motorcycle Crashes Understanding the most common types of motorcycle accidents and what leads to themContinue Reading

Motorcyclists Are Vulnerable to Negligent Drivers

Motorcycle accidents can be extremely destructive and sometimes life-changing. Victims of motorcycle accidents will need financial compensation in damages to help recover fully and move on with their life. Usually motorcycle accidents involve other vehicles and when investigating an accident it is important to discover the liable party.  Motorcycle Accidents  According to a 2014 survey,Continue Reading