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New Jersey

Common Terms You’ll Hear In A Motorcycle Accident Case in NJ

When you are injured in a motorcycle accident, chances are that you will have to file a lawsuit against the liable party to receive monetary compensation for the physical injuries and property damage you sustain in the accident. Below, we have compiled a list of some of the most commonly used legal terms that youContinue Reading

Best Safety & Weather Motorcycle Gear to Wear in New Jersey

Most motorcyclists know how important their safety gear is, but it’s also normal to fall into a state of complacency after years of riding without an accident. It’s crucial for riders to always remember to wear weather-appropriate safety gear because accidents are almost never foreseeable. This gear could save your life. Best Safety and WeatherContinue Reading

Buying Motorcycle Insurance

By:   Andrew S. Prince, Esq. Attorney 1-(800)-TEAM-LAW (832-6529) Call Me for a Free Consultation! You may think that buying motorcycle insurance is about as much fun as eating a gravel sandwich at 50 miles an hour.   But it does not have to be that way. To shine a headlight on this twistyContinue Reading

Keeping your Motorcycle Passengers Safe in NJ

Motorcycle accidents are inherently more dangerous than other types of motor vehicle accidents because the riders are exposed to the elements, lack protective doors and are prone to being thrown off their bikes. When a large vehicle slams into a smaller bike, the damage and injuries sustained by the biker are usually much more severeContinue Reading