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New Jersey

The Value of Your Motorcycle Accident Claim

It’s challenge attempting to calculate the monetary value of injuries and other losses associated with a motorcycle accident, but it’s an important consideration when deciding whether to pursue a personal injury case or not. The most important factor in determining the worth of your motorcycle accident case is determining who was at fault. Typically, theContinue Reading

A Practical Guide for Understanding Motorcycle Insurance

By:   Andrew S. Prince, Esq. Attorney 1-(800)-TEAM-LAW (832-6529) Call Me for a Free Consultation! Not much compares to hitting the open road on a motorcycle but the freedom and rush of traveling on two wheels comes with an inherent risk, therefore, proper motorcycle insurance coverage is a must for all riders. What DoesContinue Reading

Man Killed in Motorcycle Crash

When motorists are taught to share the road it means sharing with everyone that uses the road like pedestrians, bicycles, and motorcycles. Unfortunately, many drivers tend to disregard these other modes of transportation as they are smaller and do not pose a threat when matched against an automobile. It is that unfortunate way of thinkingContinue Reading

Motorcycle Crash Shows Dangers of Potholes

It is no secret that motorcyclists face a lot more dangers than your average motorist. Without any protective covering other than a helmet and the motorcycle gear they wear, nothing separates a motorcyclist from the pavement in the event of an accident. And while many people might think of a car hitting a motorcycle andContinue Reading