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New Jersey

Three Critical Tips for New Motorcycle Riders

Congratulations on getting your motorcycle license. This is indeed a momentous occasion. You’re about to have an experience that is matched by few other things, if anything, in life. Before getting your own bike and hitting the road, however, there are few things you should know that many new riders tend to forget, or flatContinue Reading

When Preventative Vehicle Maintenance Only Goes So Far

Tire safety and other vehicle maintenance issues are commonly overlooked by New Jersey motorists. Whether they don’t have the money to make the repair immediately, keep forgetting about it or are simply the type of person that keeps riding until something bad happens, many Garden State drivers tempt fate on a daily basis by failingContinue Reading

Know Your Motorcycle Insurance Coverage

1-(800)-TEAM-LAW (832-6529) Motorcycle insurance requirements vary from company to company and the best person to give you motorcycle insurance advice is not your insurance agent but your motorcycle attorney. Here are some reasons why I can help you best. The standard motorcycle coverages that most people know about are liability, property damage, collision and possibleContinue Reading