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New Jersey

Once a Biker Chick, Always a Biker Chick

Gloria Tramontin Struck is 89 years old. Many women her age are focused on grandchildren, Bingo and knitting. Struck isn’t showing any signs of slowing down. In fact, when she takes to the open road on her Harley Davidson, she is all about speed. She is a long-time member of the Motor Maids, the veryContinue Reading

What Are the Consequences for Refusing to Take a Breathalyzer Test?

Refusing to Submit to a Breathalyzer in New Jersey 1-(800)-TEAM-LAW (832-6529) New Jersey Refusal Law When you receive your driver’s license in New Jersey, you give your implied consent to submit to chemical tests. “Implied consent” refers to an implicit agreement between New Jersey drivers and the State in which drivers agree to submit toContinue Reading

Famous Songwriter Critically Injured in Fatal Car-Motorcycle Crash

A biker was killed after his motorcycle was hit by a car in Santa Rosa, Calif. recently. Norman Greenbaum, writer and singer of “Spirit in the Sky,” a rock hit in 1970, was seriously injured in the crash as well. He was a passenger in the Suburu Outback that police said failed to yield toContinue Reading

Motorcycle Accident Attorney: The Speed Factor

I have recently been retained as a motorcycle accident attorney to represent several clients who were operating sport bikes when their motorcycle accident occurred. In each of these cases the speed of my client has become a factor as there has either been witnesses or some physical evidence leading to allegations of excessive speed beingContinue Reading