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New Jersey

New Jersey Motorcycle Injury Lawyer Fights for Coverage for Medical Bills

As your motorcycle injury lawyer, I make sure that you are receiving the medial attention you deserve and that you are financially protected in regard to your medical bills.  Many of our clients do not have medical coverage. However, there are many ways to ensure that you still receive the best medical care possible whileContinue Reading

Motorcycle Personal Injury Lawyer For Lost Wage Recovery

By Andrew S. Prince, Esq.,  Motorcycle Attorney 1-(800)-TEAM-LAW (832-6529) Soon after a person with motorcycle injuries looking to hire a personal injury lawyer contacts me and starts asking their questions, I am usually asked, “Will my lost wages be compensated?”  I understand how devastating it can be to your finances if you are laid upContinue Reading

New Braking Device Could Make Motorcycles Safer

We take brake lights on motor vehicles for granted. They help save lives by reminding drivers to slow down, alerting them to the fact that something is going on up ahead. You would think that manufacturers would have braking technology down to a science by now — but there seems to be room for improvementContinue Reading

The Real Reason Why Some Motorcycles are So Loud

If you are not a motorcycle enthusiast, there is probably one word that comes to mind more than any other when you think of bikes: loud. Motorcycles, especially those that were built in the US, have always had a reputation for being excessively loud, but rumor has it that there was a reason for thisContinue Reading

Motorcycle Accidents Statistics are Sobering in New Jersey

Motorcycle Accidents Statistics are Sobering in New Jersey You probably don’t find it all that shocking that motorcycle accidents are commonplace in New Jersey. If you are a biker, you feel that you are misunderstood and almost invisible to other drivers on the road. Take a look at some of these shocking statistics; the numbersContinue Reading