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New Jersey

Getting Off the Hook: Tips For Being Pulled Over

No one likes getting pulled over, but at times interactions with police are a routine part of being on the road — especially if you’re on a motorcycle. Follow these tips, and you have a much better chance of riding away with little more than a warning. “Three Offs” This tip, from cycle site,Continue Reading

The Roads Are Getting More Dangerous Every Day

There’s no question about it; early autumn is one of the very best times to be on a motorcycle. It is also, arguably, the most dangerous season for motorcyclists. As summer draws to an end, it’s important to discuss the particular hazards motorcyclists will face over the next few months. A motorcycle ride in theContinue Reading

Cops Catch Drunk Bikers by Looking Out for these Signs of DWI

Police officers looking to catch drunk drivers — when those drivers are in cars or motorcycles — look out for some specific things as vehicles speed past on New Jersey’s roadways. Drifting, weaving, excessive speeding or driving very slow are obvious signs of possible driver impairment. However, when it comes to motorcyclists, bikers who areContinue Reading

Balancing Act: Where a Biker’s Age and Abilities Collide

Any bike rider worth the price of a helmet knows how to properly dismount a motorcycle. You turn off the engine, kick out the kickstand and put all your weight on the foot that’s on the ground. You swing your other leg over and bring the bike to a parked position. It’s just that easy.Continue Reading

Why Hire a Motorcycle Attorney

My name is Andrew S. Prince. I have been an attorney for over 25 years and during all of that time I have been actively involved in representing the motorcycle community. Currently I sit on the Board of Directors of Rider Education of New Jersey. This organization has taught over 75,000 motorcyclists in our stateContinue Reading