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New Jersey

Plan for the Best but Prepare for the Worst; Have an Escape Plan

Minor motorcycle accidents are rare. Therefore, take all hazards seriously when you are riding your bike. Identifying these threats is only the first step; you also need to identify your escape route. As you ride, pay attention at all times to what is behind and on either side of you. You may brake in timeContinue Reading

Do You Know How to Avoid the Most Common Type of Motorcycle Accident?

Bike riders know full well how much danger they are in when they take to the open road — mostly because car drivers seem to be oblivious to important safety concerns regarding motorcyclists who are sharing the road. That’s why all bike riders need to be aware of how dangerous the blind left turn canContinue Reading

Is Lane Splitting Really as Dangerous as They Say?

It’s a commonly held belief that one of the most dangerous things a motorcyclist can do on the road is split lanes, or dart in between cars to avoid traffic. This would seem to be true, being that 49 U.S. states have outlawed the practice; but what about that 50th state? California is the onlyContinue Reading