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New Jersey
Some of the best summer afternoons in New Jersey are passed on two wheels. As a passenger on a motorcycle, you get to really take in the scenery. While you’re enjoying the trip, however, keep in mind that you are an active participant in the ride. You have a responsibility to follow these guidelines to… Continue Reading
The passing of Independence Day celebrations is one sign letting us know that summer is fully underway. Temperatures are steadily climbing, and the sounds of motorcycle engines revving can be heard everywhere. You may be one of the many itching to get back out on the road, or be yearning to get your first taste… Continue Reading
Sustaining broken bones or severe road rash may be the biggest fear of motorcyclists in accidents, but they should be worried about traumatic brain injuries as well. Anytime a biker gets into an accident, there’s a high chance of sustaining a brain injury, even if they are wearing a helmet. A concussion is the most… Continue Reading
When people think of devastating and dangerous motorcycle accident injuries, many picture broken bones or traumatic brain injuries. Generally speaking, road rash or road burn aren’t thought of as serious injuries, but they most certainly can be. Road rash happens when a rider is thrown from their bike and their skin makes contact with the… Continue Reading
For advanced, intermediate or beginning motorcyclists, there’s always a chance of sustaining injuries from a bike crash. Chances of serious injuries are higher in motorcycle crashes than in car crashes because bikers don’t have airbags, seatbelts or a steel frame surrounding them. Depending on the severity of the accident and how the crash occurred, there… Continue Reading
Appointment Only
313 State Street, Perth Amboy, NJ.
46 Bayard Street #211, New Brunswick, NJ.
201 East 5th Street, Plainfield, NJ.
822 Raritan Avenue, 1st Floor, Highland Park, NJ.
400 39th Street, Suite 407, Union City, NJ.
860 U. S. Highway 1 North, Suite 201, Edison, NJ.
50 Park Place, 8th Flr., Suite 840, Newark, NJ.