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New Jersey

May is National Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month

You may have seen signs along NJ highways over the past couple of weeks reminding you to “Watch Out for Motorcycles!” Those safety signs are in celebration of National Motorcycle Safety Awareness month. They are part of an initiative carried out each May by organizations throughout the region that are raising awareness about the uniqueContinue Reading

The Most Common Causes of Motorcycle Crashes

In case you haven’t noticed the warmer weather and longer days of the past month, it’s motorcycle season. This means that more motorcycles are on the road and will continue to be on the road right on through the summer. This also means that it’s accident season for motorcyclists. Bikers are much less protected inContinue Reading

Be Careful to Avoid Potholes and “Roadway Craters” this Spring

With the weather slowly warming up and winter looking to finally be in the rearview mirror, motorcyclists will be eager to get back on the road. If you live in NJ, you’ve just survived one of the worst winters in recent history. You likely know that the constant snowstorms and other types of inclement weatherContinue Reading

Motorcycle Class, Everyone Needs a Refresher

How would you like to take a motorcycle course? Rider Education of New Jersey (RENJ), the oldest and best, trains cyclists for a weekend you will never forget. Training bikers to cope with road conditions, certainly for new riders and even for experienced riders, is something to strongly consider. “May is Motorcycle Safety Month” BetterContinue Reading

Skip the NJ Motorcycle Learner’s Permit; Take a Rider Course

If you are a licensed driver in the state of New Jersey and want to add the coveted “M” endorsement so you can legally ride a motorcycle, you have two options. You can take a written test, obtain your permit and practice riding on non-toll roads in NJ for 20 days before you can takeContinue Reading