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New Jersey

Distracting Driving

By: New Jersey Motorcycle Accident AttorneyAndrew S. Prince1-(800)-TEAM-LAW (832-6529) Holding Negligent Motorists Accountable Distracted driving has long been one of the biggest dangers on our roadways and the advent of smartphones, GPS, and smart vehicle systems has done nothing to decrease the threat of distracted driving. While anyone who shares the road with a distracted driver isContinue Reading

A Rider’s Guide to Financial Recovery After a Motorcycle Accident in New Jersey

Motorcycle riders face a higher risk of injury in accidents than drivers of other vehicles, with a mortality rate 28 times higher than that of car occupants per vehicle mile traveled, as reported by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). In addition to the physical and emotional trauma, a motorcycle accident can cause significantContinue Reading

Top Reasons for Motorcycle Accidents in New Jersey

Riding a motorcycle on New Jersey roads can be exhilarating, but it also comes with a greater risk of accidents compared to other vehicles. Motorcyclists are more likely to suffer severe injuries in accidents than car drivers, as motorcycles offer less protection than cars, leaving riders vulnerable to these types of accidents and injuries. TheseContinue Reading

A History of Helping the Injured Biker

By:  New Jersey Motorcycle Accident AttorneyAndrew S. Prince1-(800)-TEAM-LAW (832-6529)  New Jersey has plenty of roads and gorgeous scenery and therefore, the state has a lot to offer motorcyclists. Unfortunately, this also means more injuries. When you or a loved one are involved in a motorcycle accident, you need representation from a New Jersey motorcycle accident attorney. AndrewContinue Reading

Why Hiring A Motorcycle Attorney Is More Important Than You Think

Riding a motorcycle can be a thrilling experience, but it can also be dangerous. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, motorcyclists are 28 times more likely to be injured or killed in an accident than occupants of a passenger vehicle. If you have been involved in a motorcycle accident, you may be facingContinue Reading