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New Jersey

The Value of Your Motorcycle Accident Claim

Clark motorcycle accident lawyerIt’s challenge attempting to calculate the monetary value of injuries and other losses associated with a motorcycle accident, but it’s an important consideration when deciding whether to pursue a personal injury case or not. The most important factor in determining the worth of your motorcycle accident case is determining who was at fault. Typically, the more negligent driver will bear the burden of losses incurred in an accident. If you are not able to prove the other driver’s negligence, then it will be difficult to obtain financial compensation. It’s the plaintiff’s responsibility to prove the other driver’s negligence. You can still seek compensation when you can prove the other driver’s negligence even when you have also contributed to the accident.

Calculating Your Claim

Next, you will need to consider the real value of the damages you’ve incurred. Some damages may be easy to quantify utilizing medical bills, insurance estimations of damage and other methods. To calculate how much money you lost from missing work, you’ll need to add up the income and benefits that you missed out on due to your injury. When you’ve lost the ability to return to your same area of employment, then you may need to consult with an expert to determine the value of your lost earnings. Other types of losses, such as pain and suffering, are not as easy to calculate. Judges usually rely on the jury to make a reasonable determination about these types of damages.

Contact a New Jersey Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

Once you’ve determined who was at fault and the basic damages you’ve incurred, you’ll have a better idea of what your motorcycle accident claim will be worth. New Jersey’s motorcycle accident attorney, Andrew Prince, can assist you in calculating the worth of your personal injury claim. He will fight to protect your rights and ensure that you receive a fair financial compensation amount for your injuries.

The articles on this blog are for informative purposes only and are no substitute for legal advice or an attorney-client relationship. If you are seeking legal advice, please contact our law firm directly.

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